Murthy Chavali Yadav
VFSTR University
Prof. Dr. techn. Murthy CHAVALI at present working as Dean(Int. Relations), Director (Centre forInternational Affairs), Director(Centre of Excellence for Advance Materials, Manufacturing, Processing and Characterization, CoExAMMPC) & Nodal Off. for V.F.S.T.R. University, previously he worked as Professor andHead, Department of Nanotechnology, and also serving as Director,IRO, N.I. Centre for Higher Education, India. He is also a visiting professor/scientist/researcher to several institutes/universities within India and abroad. B.Sc. in Chemistry from Nagarjuna University, India in 1990, M.Sc. (Tech) in Chemistry from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India in 1994 and Ph.D.Tech. (2000) from Technische Universität Wien, Austria in Analytical Chemistry. He has served as a postdoctoral scientist at Centre for Instrumental Analysis, Kobe University, Japan. Later he joined as a researcher for a short period at Precision Instrument Development Centre (PIDC), ITRC, under National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan and moved to CMS / Instrument Technology Research Centre (ITRI), Taiwan, in 2003 as a researcher in Sensors and Standards Group
Research Interest
His research interests are optical waveguide technology, IR sensors, LIF, chip-based chemical and biochemical sensors (micro and nano), development and application of spectroscopic techniques for the study of nanomaterials. His present research focuses on synthesis and fabrication of nanostructured materials, composites and nanosensor array technology; broadly, nanotechnology applications for gas and liquid sensing