Aiman Eid Al-Rawajfeh
Tafila Technical University
Aiman E. Al-Rawajfeh is the Professor of chemical engineering at Tafila Technical University (TTU) (Since 2004) and was a visitor at the University of Jordan (2015-2016), Jordan. He is a JEA certified Consultant of seawater desalination and environment. He received his PhD in Thermal Process Technology from Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, in 2004. He worked as a Senior Researcher at Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) from 2012-2013. He was the Director of the Energy & Oil Shale Research Center at Tafila Technical University, Jordan from 2011-2012. He worked as a Senior Researcher at Doosan Water R&D Center, Dubai, UAE from 2008-2009. He has co-authored 65 refereed journal publications and similar number of conferences, besides contributing chapters to a number of books. He serves as an Associate Editor of Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering and a member of the editorial board of Membrane Water Treatment and Arab Water World. His efforts in research have been recognized with the 2009 Scopus Award and 2003-2004 EDS Conferences Students Awards. His research interests include thermal and membrane desalination, scaling and its inhibition, corrosion and its inhibition, new desalination processes, pretreatment, industrial crystallization, fertilizers, extractive metallurgy, pharmaceuticals technology, solid particulates, quality control and environmental research
Research Interest
His research interests include thermal and membrane desalination, scaling and its inhibition, corrosion and its inhibition, new desalination processes, pretreatment, industrial crystallization, fertilizers, extractive metallurgy, pharmaceuticals technology, solid particulates, quality control and environmental